Crosstalk: May 23, 2018

The Bible tells us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel and to make disciples. That's the Great Commission. How can you do that? How can you become engaged in missions?
This Crosstalk showed how you can do just that and have a direct impact upon a people group in South Sudan. These people need to hear God's Word and current believers need to be strengthened in the faith.
Joining Jim to give background on this project was William Levi. William is the founder and overseer of Operation Nehemiah Missions, International.  William is a Messianic believer.  He was trained academically as a manufacturing engineer.  He relinquished his engineering career to answer God’s calling in his life to establish Operation Nehemiah Missions in 1993.  His ministry in South Sudan is focused on rebuilding and restoring the Biblical family and the Church in the republic of the South Sudan which is recovering from the ashes of war and Islamic persecution through the preaching of the Gospel.  Their theme verse comes from Nehemiah 2:18, “Let us rise up and build.  So they strengthened their hands for this good work.”

William began with some history of South Sudan beginning with the 1990's. When William first met Jim Schneider and Vic Eliason, the area was predominantly Christian but under Islamic persecution. The goal of the Islamic regime in the north is to control all of South Sudan because unless they can control that, they are blocked from controlling the interior of the continent of Africa.
In 2000, the Lord laid a vision on the heart of William to bring a mobile radio station/medical clinic into existence because a stationary building would have been a target. Funds were raised via VCY America and before long, Nehemiah Trumpet Call 97.3 FM was on the air! Fix-tuned receivers were also supplied and given out to listeners.

Eventually a peace agreement was reached between the North and the South, the mobile studio was no longer usable, and William had the opportunity to put up a fixed radio tower to cover larger population centers. God answered his prayers and he was able to obtain a mountain location on the border with Uganda. Once again, VCY listeners came through and in early 2007, the project became a reality.

Due to an oppressive Islamic regime, William had to move out of what was once the Operation Nehemiah headquarters. So today the need exists for a studio building and the effort to obtain one is called, the Sudan Missions Project. The need is $35,000 but there's a donor who is matching, dollar-for-dollar, every gift up to $17,500. That will completely cover the total need with 100% of funds going to the Sudan Missions Project.

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