Crosstalk: May 5, 2017

​After an 8 year absence under the Obama administration, the National Day of Prayer returned to the White House. The location was the Rose Garden where President Trump signed an executive order pertaining to religious freedom.

Also, just before broadcast time, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 217-213 for an Obamacare replacement. In addition, Congress approved a 1.1 trillion dollar spending bill that will keep the government running through September.

Joining Jim to discuss these and related issues was Mat Staver. Mat is a constitutional attorney, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, a non-profit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious liberty, the sanctity of human life and the family.

President Trump spoke regarding how our Constitution demands more--the freedom to practice one's faith publicly. This is a distinct turn from President Obama who would talk about religious freedom, but only in the sense that you are free to believe what you want in your mind or that you have the freedom to worship inside your church or synagogue.

This program also discussed how the religious freedom executive order signed today specifically affects churches and religious organizations, reaction from the LGBT side, the latest on the Kim Davis situation, whether the filibuster rule should be done away with, the federal budget and more including input from numerous Crosstalk callers.


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