Crosstalk: May 8, 2015

Jim Schneider raised awareness of what's taking place in our nation and the world through presentation of the following news stories: --Today is the National Day of Prayer. Jim reviewed the history of this day that goes all the way back to 1775. --Documents obtained by Judicial Watch have been obtained from the Department of Homeland Security that describe a Southwest border incident in which helicopters allegedly belonging to the government of Mexico, flew across the border into the U.S. and opened fire on our border patrol agents --ISIS is said to be operating in a Mexican border town just 8 miles from El Paso, Texas. --A website message claims that 'Draw Mohammed' art show co-organizer Pamela Geller will be killed by Islamic State ISIS sympathizers. --A Dutch lawmaker warns that Americans can expect more terror attacks on U.S. soil because, '...radical Islamists want to kill or subjugate us all.' --A 9th Circuit Court of Appeals judge who had dismissed terror charges against one Garland, Texas, shooter in 2011 allegedly has connections to the National Counsel of La Raza. --A Texas terror connection allegedly points to Minnesota legislator Keith Ellison's district. --An American jihadist says Sunday's terror attack in Texas was the work of ISIS and that they had scores of trained soldiers positioned in 15 states awaiting orders to carry out more operations. --Some on Capitol Hill are calling for more government surveillance of Muslims. --Representative Trey Gowdy has received a response to his letter demanding answers from Secretary of State John Kerry about the planned resettlement of refugees in his state. --According to Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, the deadly Texas art event shooting is proof positive that the U.S. must send ground troops to the Middle East and crush the terror group that's responsible. --A Canadian judge could free a teen terrorist who killed a U.S. Army medic. --After the terror attack in Texas, an NBC reporter used his MSNBC position to demand a cultural change so that America will not allow people to engage in what he called hate speech against Islam.

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