Crosstalk: November 16, 2017

​​Peter LaBarbera is the founder and president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality and also a writer for

Early in this broadcast, Jim read an extensive list of LGBT candidates who won seats in last Tuesday's election. When reviewing Romans chapter 1:18-32, is it possible that this is a sign that God is giving the United States over to depravity?

Peter responded by noting that our cities are extremely liberal, so we expect these things to happen in those locations as this is part of a plan by homosexual activist groups. What disturbed Peter more was that Danica Roem became the first openly transgender person ever elected to the state legislature in Virginia. In this case, Roem will not be representing a large metropolitan area but a rural area outside D.C. He defeated Bob Marshall, who was a stellar Republican, pro-family, pro-life legislator. Roem, on the other hand, received hundreds of thousands of dollars in outside donations from liberal, pro-LGBTQ people and groups.

Peter described the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) as a group that worked directly on the Marshall race. Their CEO makes over $400,000 so Peter described this movement as 'big gay' and 'big transgender' is piggy-backing off of that. So conservatives must have a strategy because these two forces are very powerful in our culture right now.

Another item mentioned was the Human Right's Campaign Foundation's Corporate Equality Index. This is where they rate workplaces according to their lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer equality. The 2018 index is out with a record number of companies. 609 employers have earned perfect scores.

Basically, the HRC wants corporations to become another arm of the homosexual movement like the media has become, and they appear to be succeeding. For example, according to the Corporate Equality Index for 2018, they talk about the number of Fortune 500 companies that had gender identity, non-discrimination policies in place in 2002. That number was 3%. By 2008 that number had risen to 25%. In 2014 it was 61% and now in 2017 it is at 82%.

Peter believes it's rigged because if you support the homosexual movement, including making massive grants and supporting transsexual (so-called) sex reassignment surgeries, you reach the 100% rating. However, if a corporation decides to give $100,000 to organizations like Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, a deduction of 25 points is applied for anti-LGBT stigma.

Peter and Jim went on to look at 'gender identity', the Equality Act, 9 examples of porn funded by the state, and more.


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