Crosstalk: November 27, 2018

Peter LaBarbera is the founder and president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality.

Below is a selection of the LGBTQ-related items discussed by Peter and Jim:

--The LGBTQ community made gains on the transgender side in the recent election.
--Massachusetts transgender special rights law punishes people with fines and jail time if they refuse to treat gender confused individuals as if their confusion is truth.
--American's for Truth website banned by Facebook/locked out by Twitter.
--Lesbianism celebrated in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.
--Child 'drag queens' being promoted by the media.
--The U.S./Mexico/Canada Agreement (USMCA) has a special social policy element that advances sexual orientation and gender identity to a protected class.
--Chad Griffin leaving the Human Rights Campaign.
--LGBT activists claiming it's their side that represents family values.

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