Crosstalk: October 12, 2015

--The Southern Poverty Law Center labels Liberty Counsel as a hate group. --Anticipating a Supreme Court ruling in favor of same-sex marriage, Kim Davis was proactive in early 2015 asking for a religious exemption to issuing same-sex marriage licenses. --Hillary Clinton says that jail was the right thing for Kim Davis. --U.S. officials conclude that the Iran deal violates federal law. --Louis Farrakhan declares himself as the man who represents the Messiah that has come to end this civilization. --Top law enforcement officials are now saying that terrorists have infiltrated our nation through Mexico. --The European Union is set to deport hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers. --Pamela Geller reports that Benjamin Netanyahu is claiming we are in the midst of a wave of terrorism. --Hundreds of Muslims flock to Parliament Square under the guise of acting against climate change. --The number of sanctuary cities explodes since July. --American Airlines is honoring a man who served as an official of a group designated an unindicted co-conspirator in a terror funding case and documented front group for the Palestinian terrorist group, Hamas. --A 34 year old Muslim immigrant is arrested for raping a 10 year old girl in Minnesota. The local media has refused to identify the man as a refugee from Somalia. --A decision to make Wichita State University's chapel faith neutral to accommodate Muslim students has created great angst after critics were accuse of being Islamophobic. --The fastest growing language in the United States is Arabic. --Writing assignment requires student to know the five pillars of Islam. Included was a code to scan to hear the call to prayer from a mosque in Istanbul. --Europe bracing itself for yet another migrant wave from Syria. --Planned Parenthood protests to take place tomorrow at P.P. centers. --Obama administration is not conducting any oversight related to the selling of baby body parts by Planned Parenthood. --Workers remove Ten Commandment's monument during the dark of night from the grounds at the Oklahoma Capitol. --County Commissioners want to save Blount County, Tennessee, from the wrath of God. --Urologist Dr. Paul Church is unemployed due to a decade-long disagreement with his employer about homosexuality. --An 18 year old woman in Lima, Peru, reportedly became possessed by a demon, convulsing, foaming at the mouth and trying to kill herself after playing a version of the Charley, Charley Challenge on her phone last Saturday. --Governer Jerry Brown signs bill to make California the 4th state to legalize assisted suicide. --World's first lesbian bishop of a mainstream denomination has put forth a call for one of Sweden's seaport churches to remove its crosses to make it less offensive to Muslims. --Monday the Obama administration announced that the President would veto a defense authorization bill if it does not close down Guantanamo Bay.

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