Crosstalk: October 14, 2015

Troy Newman is the president of Operation Rescue, one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Troy has actively worked on behalf of the pre-born for over 20 years. He continues as an innovator of ideas to close abortion clinics and garner criminal prosecutions for abortionists from coast to coast. He is the author of two books, 'Their Blood Cries Out!' and 'Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time' which he co-authored with Cheryl Sullenger. While some people may think that the American Constitution was trampled with the latest decision regarding so-called homosexual marriage, Troy pointed out that it was trampled years ago in 1973 with the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions. It was decided at that time that you can kill an innocent baby without any sort of trial from the moment of conception all the way to his/her birthday. From that day until today over 58 million children have died. Jim then asked Troy that when he talks about becoming abortion free, is his desire to get the Supreme Court to reverse its decision, to do away with abortions legislatively, does he see us becoming abortion free due to societal change or does he plan on going back to the roots of Operation Rescue with mass civil disobedience arrests at abortion clinics? Troy's response was, '...yes, all of the above and no, none of the above.' What did he mean? He noted that electing a pro-life congress, president and nominating pro-life Supreme Court justices, while still a good plan to pursue, hasn't worked to overturn Roe v. Wade. He believes that the Supreme Court won't overrule itself on abortion until the day after the last abortion clinic closes. In other words, while abortion is a national issue, when you realize that it's also a local issue, closing individual clinics has been very effective at helping bring about great change.

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