Crosstalk: October 15, 2018

Here's a sample of stories featured on this week's edition of the 'Round-Up':

--After 2 years of prison and detention, Pastor Andrew Brunson has been released by Turkish authorities.
--Asia Bibi continues to face blasphemy charges in Pakistan.
--The current death toll from Hurricane Michael stands at 11 while posing health risks for weeks to come.
--Florida deputies took time to pray before hurricane Michael hit.
--Witches to hold a public hex on Brett Kavanaugh on October 20th.
--Brett Kavanaugh may have a hand in two abortion related cases, one in Kansas and one in Louisiana.
--Rasmussen survey indicates that 54% of all likely U.S. voters say they are more likely to vote in the upcoming midterm elections due to the controversy surrounding Brett Kavanaugh.
--Reporters from the New Yorker admit they ran with an accusation against Brett Kavanaugh without any evidence to back it up, hoping to show a Kavanaugh pattern of misconduct.
--A Minnesota teacher resigns after sending an anti-Kavanaugh death threat/tweet.
--Pro-abortion Senator Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota revealed that she had planned to vote for Judge Kavanaugh until he passionately testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. She took umbrage with Kavanaugh's heated defense of himself.
--Former Attorney General Eric Holder recently said that when Republicans go low, we go high and kick them.
--President Trump rebuked Eric Holder calling such comments disgusting and dangerous.
--Hillary Clinton believes civility can't start again until the Democrats win back the House and or the Senate.
--Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blasted Hillary Clinton indicating that her call for anarchy and disorder is nothing less than the promotion of gang mentality.
--When Eric Holder and other Democrats called for violence, Congressional Representative Steve Scalise said that's a direct threat to democracy.
--Senator Rand Paul has warned that the calls of Democrats to confront Republicans in public could lead to assassination.
--Incumbent Senator Tammy Baldwin was asked about her position on late-term abortions in a debate with challenger Leah Vukmir. Jim provided audio of the responses from both candidates.
--The House of Representatives in South Carolina has voted to uphold the governor's line-item veto of millions of dollars in federal family planning funds, preventing a portion of that money from going to abortion facilities.
--Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf is campaigning for reelection on a pro-abortion platform that supports abortion on demand and taxpayer funding of the nation's largest abortion provider. His Republican challenger, Scott Wagner, could not be more different as he is 100% pro-life and has the voting record to prove it.
--An abortion clinic opening north of Chicago seeks to normalize abortion via pink and purple exam rooms, mints, tea bags, and more.

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