Crosstalk: October 17, 2018

Some Crosstalk listeners may remember President George Herbert Walker Bush who called for 'a new world order'. Is that effort still in place and if so, how far along is it in 2018?

Joining Jim to present the latest information on this issue was Gary Kah. Gary is the founder and director of Hope For the World.  Gary is the former Europe and Middle East Trade Specialist for the Indiana State Government.  In this capacity he traveled to more than 20 countries, working hand-in-hand with U.S. embassies and top government officials in the area of export promotion. In the mid 1980's, Gary uncovered information regarding the printing of a new U.S. currency. After some investigation, he found that many countries around the world had already begun issuing new currencies similar in design. Gary discovered that this coordinated effort was merely a stepping stone toward establishing a single, global unit of exchange, which was to be part of a coming one-world government. In 1987, Gary was invited to join the World Constitution and Parliament Association, one of the organizations involved at the forefront of promoting the world government agenda. During the next 4 years he obtained detailed documents which demonstrated that the push toward a one-world government was active and rapidly advancing. Gary is the author of 'Enroute to Global Occupation' and 'The New World Religion'.

According to Gary, some people tried to say that President Bush didn't really understand what 'new world order'. The problem with that idea is that at one point he was a chairman of the Trilateral Commission and was a member of a number of globalist organizations whose purpose was to move the world toward global governance.

The Bush era was the launching point in the sense that prior to that time, everything had been behind the scenes. In the early '90's, politically involved New Agers and globalists viewed Bush's words as the signal that it was time to move forward and do it quickly. They continued to lay the groundwork throughout the '90's via new organizations founded at different levels of government and even outside of government; organizations that cooperated with the United Nations.

Late Summer to early Fall of 2000, 3 meetings took place within a 2 week period in New York City. The first one involved the top religious leaders of the world that was funded by Ted Turner. This was the start of many steps that moved the world toward interfaithism.

Less than 2 weeks later, another gathering at the United Nations involved over 160 heads of state. This meeting centered on a political unification of the world. Leaders were encouraged to ratify various international treaties that hadn't been ratified by everyone.

Around the same time that this meeting was being held, Mikhail Gorbachev's organization invited the top economists of the world, others from academia, the scientific community and the media to also talk about globalization. This is also where we began to see the environment as a reason for why we need global governance.

In the ensuing years, the movement moved forward quickly while other times it seemed to hold back. Gary believes that during last 2 years of the younger George Bush administration (2006-2008) and especially during the 8 years of the Obama administration, the pace of the movement increased rapidly.

That brings us up to the current president, Donald Trump. Were the globalists hoping for him to be a candidate? Find out the answer to that and much more when you review this timely Crosstalk broadcast.

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