Crosstalk: October 23, 2015

"News Round-up and Comment", with host Jim Schneider. ct151020.mp3 Description: Jim Schneider manned the microphone to present details regarding the a number of news stories, including Hillary Clinton's testimony before the Benghazi committee; reports of Ben Carson moving ahead of Donald Trump in some GOP candidate polls; a House of Representatives vote scheduled on Friday to defund Planned Parenthood--at least temporarily; Ohio also moving to defund Planned Parenthood; Paul Ryan moves towards House Speaker postition; Obama's golf outings costing taxpayers millions of dollars; 81 major corporations take White House pledge to support action to curb climate change; a liberal Prime Minister elected in Canada, replacing a long-term Conservative, and thus signalling a major shift away from support of Israel and towards support of pro-abortion and homosexual rights--so much so he is being described as the "Obama" for Canada.

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