Crosstalk: October 25, 2016

Alex Newman is an international freelance journalist, educator and consultant. As a freelance journalist he writes for the New American. He is the co-author of the book, "Crimes of the Educators". The United Nations wa founded October 24, 1945, 71 years ago.

A look at the founding of the organization, and a brief review of its history, were followed by an analysis of the organization's current make-up, which consists largely of countries that oppress minorities, often conducting or financing terrorism and jihad. The newly selected Seretary General of the United Nations is António Guterres of Portugal, who is proud of being a socialist. One of his latest roles was to orchestrate the massive move of hundreds of thousands of Muslims, dubbed "refugees", to countries across Europe and the United States. The United States, as a member of the Security Council, signed off on his selection despite his record. He is scheduled to assume the post January 1, 2017.

A look at the list of "accomplishments" being hailed on this anniversary, shows that most have the effect of reducing national sovereignty, replacing it with international controls. Mr. Guterres has stated his top priorities as Secretary General will be more socialism around the world, more power for the UN, more “global governance,” and more mass migration from the Third World to Western countries, and “gender equality”. In other words, more of the same extremism that already has the world on the brink.

The United States under the current administration, has worked to transfer control from the United States to the United Nations in many ways, supporting liberal “conventions” that strip parental rights, gun rights, and other fundamental rights under the U.S. Constitution. Most recently, the administration pushed for—and succeeded—in transfering control of the Internet from an independent agency in the United States, to a United Nations agency, that will likely reflect the make-up of U.N. member nations.

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