Crosstalk: October 5, 2018

​Mat Staver is the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel.

The FBI has released their supplemental background investigation report which the Senate Judiciary Committee received this morning in a sealed box. There's only one copy of the report, there are no electronic copies, and it's in a secure location. As of broadcast time, senators were reviewing that information.

According to Mat, we now know that Senator Jeff Flake from Arizona and Senator Susan Collins of Maine have made remarks to the media that this has been a thorough investigation (the 7th by the FBI through the history of Brett Kavanaugh's political career). Senator Flake also indicated that the FBI found no additional corroborating evidence. In fact, Senator Grassley has said that the FBI couldn't locate any third parties who could attest to any of the allegations against Kavanaugh.

So what is the opposition saying? Senators Durbin, Schumer, Feinstein and others are saying that the scope of the FBI's investigation was too narrow, didn't go far enough, and that not enough witnesses were interviewed.

Mat responded by noting that Democrats will do everything in their power to stop this nomination. He cited Senator Chuck Schumer who, within 23 minutes after Kavanaugh was announced as a nominee, said that he would do everything in his power to stop the nomination. Others on the judiciary committee gave similar statements within a very short time as well, before any testimony or any investigation took place.

Mat believes the only way the Democrats will be satisfied is if Brett Kavanaugh is 'torpedoed'. They don't want any Supreme Court nominee from President Trump who believes in the Constitution and the idea of 'original intent'. Instead, they want a judicial activist because for them, this revolves around the topic of abortion.

In addition to communicating with your senators, it's important to note that five are key to deciding the outcome of this nomination. You may contact their offices at the numbers listed below.


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