Crosstalk: September 20, 2016

Despite the number of attacks in the West since 9-11, the Bush administration brainwashed many Americans into believing that Islam is a religion of peace and the current administration has continued communicating that mantra.

Unfortunately the dust had hardly settled on anniversary events surrounding the 9-11 terrorist attacks when news sources reported about a jihad knife rampage at a St. Cloud, Minnesota, mall where 9 people were stabbed. An ISIS news agency praised the perpetrator as being a soldier of the Islamic State. Then on Saturday evening, a pressure-cooker bomb detonated in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York hurting approximately 29 people. There was another bomb found a few blocks away while another bomb went off in Seaside Park, New Jersey, apparently designed to injure people involved in a charity run.

Joining Jim to expose what's behind these attacks was Usama Dakdok. Usama is a native of Egypt, an expert on Islam, Director of the Straightway of Grace Ministry and speaker on the radio program, 'Revealing the Truth about Islam'. Usama has translated the Qur'an word for word into English to make readers fully aware of the agenda of Islam.

Concerning the St. Cloud jihad attack, Jim said that the perpetrator allegedly said something about Allah and also asked some people if they were Muslim. If they were not, he allegedly attempted to stab them. Usama responded by noting how the perpetrator was doing his duty to Allah as Allah commands.

Interestingly, the St. Cloud police chief, William Blair Anderson, told CNN that he was unable to confirm if the mall stabbings were a lone attack and that investigators were trying to get to the bottom of the perpetrator's motivations.

Usama believes this consistent question about motivation is foolish. The motivation for such Muslims is to fulfill their duty before Allah and those who get hurt by them are infidels. There is no other motivation. He told listeners that people can wait 200 years to find out the motivation or just read a book; that book is the Qur'an, which will only take about 24 hours to read.

Members of the Muslim and Somali community held a news conference to mourn the victims and call for unity. Jaylani Hussein, Executive Director for the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American/Islamic Relations (CAIR), indicated that he's concerned about the potential backlash due to the amount of anti-Muslim organizing and he hopes such individuals don't use this incident to divide the community.

Usama responded by noting that Hussein refused to debate him on a TV show. Instead, he believes Hussein has taken advantage of ignorant Americans who have not read the Qur'an, know nothing about Allah or Mohammed, know nothing about the true 'color' of Islam and he's speaking softly to them. Usama publicly challenged Hussein to a debate within the next 10 days at his (Hussein's) convenience at any location. At that time Usama said he would show him from the Qur'an, that the perpetrator in Minnesota was fulfilling his duty to Allah as a good Muslim.

This is yet another program where Usama gets to the presuppositional truth of the matter as he communicates why Muslims are victims of the cult of Islam, while the rest of the world is victim #2.

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