Crosstalk: September 22, 2015

Some presidential candidates are calling for a full repeal of Obamacare, others are calling for a replacement while still others are seeking a modification. This Crosstalk looked at the consequences of these possible outcomes and some new proposed rules for Obamacare that address transgender issues. Commenting on these issues was Twila Brase. Twila is the president and co-founder of Citizen's Council for Health Freedom. They advocate the protection of health care choices, individualized patient care and medical and genetic privacy rights. Twila is a certified public health nurse, she regularly meets with legislative officials and provides daily commentary on the Health Freedom Minute. Under the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) a new rule has been proposed. This rule (known as Non-Discrimination in Health Programs and Activities) will apply to all health programs and activities that get any federal dollars. This includes those programs that are issued out of the health insurance exchanges which in turn were created out of Obamacare and include Medicare, Medicaid, etc.

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