Crosstalk: September 5, 2018

​The hearings for Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh opened this morning before the Senate Judiciary Committee. There's been a huge campaign orchestrated to prevent these hearings from beginning, as liberals have pledged to do anything and everything possible to prevent Judge Kavanaugh from being appointed as the nation's next justice to the Supreme Court.

Joining Jim to discuss this issue was Mat Staver. Mat is the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, a non-profit litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and the family. Mat has argued two landmark cases before the Supreme Court.

To kick off this Crosstalk, Jim had an alert for Racine, Wisconsin, listeners. He announced that the Racine common council would be considering changes to the city's non-discrimination ordinances, adding the words, 'gender identity' to multiple areas of the municipal code. It includes categories such as housing and employment.

The common council will meet tonight at 7pm in room 205 at the Racine City Hall on Washington Avenue. Racine residents can call their aldermen at 262-636-9171.
Then in breaking news out of Arizona, it was announced that former U.S. Senator Jon Kyl has been chosen to replace the late Senator John McCain.

Jim presented audio indicating how it took a mere 8 seconds for problems to erupt at the Kavanaugh hearings as interruptions to the chairman's comments began. Fox News said it was an hour and 15 minutes before the Chairman (Senator Grassley) could fully deliver his opening statements. Mat seemed to agree with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles who described what took place as 'circus antics'. Mat said that some individuals were escorted out this morning.

Mat believes the hearings will go forward. Democratic senators on the committee have tried to postpone or stall them, but Senator Grassley has overruled that.

​According to Mat, the fear of the opposition is having a judge on the Supreme Court who will interpret the law. They want a judge who will make the law in the way they want it made. This is because they know there are things they can't get through via the democratic process or a constitutional amendment.

Some of the complaints revolve around the idea that there is a lack of documents released for Judge Kavanaugh. On that charge, Mat commented that more than twice the number of documents have been released to the committee for Judge Kavanaugh than any other previous Supreme Court nominee.

Mat summarized this issue well when he noted that what must be viewed is Judge Kavanaugh's judicial philosophy. Judge Kavanaugh has clearly said that judges are to interpret the law and not make the law. Mat described it this way, 'They (the opposition) want to keep their hot button issues alive and they want the judge to ignore the Constitution because frankly they don't like the Constitution; they don't like what it says because they have a predetermined result.'

He went on to note how the opposition wants to eliminate the 3 branches of government. They'd rather have one super branch (the judiciary) imposing their view (not the constitutional view) on the people under the guise of some kind of Supreme Court decision.

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