Crosstalk: September 9, 2016

Jim Schneider took listeners on a whirlwind tour of news stories affecting Christian listeners. Stories included:


--Super-bug explosion (antibiotic resistance problem) triggers U.N. General Assembly meeting.

--Rumors are circulating about a surprise introduction by the U.S. of a U.N.Security Council resolution to establish parameters for territorial concession in Judea and Samaria without the input or consent of Israel.

--ISIS uses chain saws to saw Iraqi teens in half for being involved in a

resistance movement.

--Jew hatred and demonization of Israel said to be at the highest level in ourlifetimes.

--The EPA has allegedly been sponsoring experiments on human subjects involving exposures to small particulate air pollution that the EPA has declared publicly and repeatedly to be toxic, lethal and carcinogenic.

--Immigrants are preying upon Americans with false tales of abuse in order to remain in the U.S.

--Months after the Obama administration spent 19 million dollars to register new immigrant voters, it's dedicating an additional 10 million dollars in a final push as the November election approaches.

--The American Bar Association's plan to purge the legal profession of Christians and conservatives is revealed.

--An expert on the Iranian nuclear program is concerned that Tehran may have the ability to build a deliverable nuclear bomb now.

--7 Iranian boats harass a U.S. Navy coastal ship in international waters in the Persian Gulf.

--A prominent Iranian Ayatollah believes the end-times Muslim 'savior' will comeback in a spaceship with the sound of thunder and its power and speed is that of lightning.

--A Russian jet flies within 10 feet of a U.S. Navy spy plane.

--A U.S. trained police sniper has been made the ISIS minister of war.

--The Philippines confronts China with photos of Chinese ships in a disputed seaarea.

--U.S. to give the Philippine military certain planes to help assist their


--Hillary Clinton was never asked about her private e-mail server during

questioning at a recent press conference.

--A search engine is allegedly suppressing negative search results about HillaryClinton's health status.

--A mystery man, seen at Hillary Clinton's side for many months, suddenly appeared on her plane.

--George Soros predicts a landslide popular vote win for Trump but feels Clinton will win the electoral vote.

--Bill Clinton's staff used a decades-old federal government program originally created to keep former presidents out of the 'poor house' to subsidize his family's foundation and an associated business and to support Hillary's private e-mail server.

--Liberty Counsel has filed an opening brief in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Mountain Right to Life v. Kamala Harris. It challenges California's Assembly Bill 775 which imposes onerous notification and disclosure requirements on pro- life crisis pregnancy centers.

--The Department of Health and Human Services released a proposed rule last week

that seeks to ban any recipient of Title X federal funding for family planning from excluding potential funding recipients for reasons unrelated to its ability to provide services effectively. This rule would prevent states from defunding Planned Parenthood.

--A study of 12,000 pregnant women with Zika shows that none of them had a baby with microcephaly.

--A border patrol agent alleges that 8 out of 10 people caught entering the U.S. illegally are not deported and allowed to stay in the U.S.

--California lawmakers OK a Planned Parenthood-backed bill that creates new penalties for distributing secret recordings of discussions with health providers.

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