Dr. John Whitcomb: August 31, 20

“Every human being that’s ever walked this earth has a God-created capacity to recognize what’s right and wrong.” So states Bible teacher Dr. John Whitcomb as he instructs us regarding the importance of the conscience—beginning on this edition of “Encounter God’s Truth.” It is the first half of a two-part message called, “Steering Clear of Shipwreck.” We survey a number of Bible passages from both the Old and New Testaments, and Dr. Whitcomb exhorts us to examine ourselves and our own faithfulness to the Lord God in the spirit of the apostles. They asked Jesus—when He announced that one of them would betray Him—“Lord, is it I?” As Dr. Whitcomb shares, this is not an easy message, but one that can help us to stay focused on the path of service and blessing. In the words of host Wayne Shepherd, Whitcomb Ministries presents this Bible-teaching broadcast to increase your confidence in the certainty that God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end. Thanks for listening!

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