Dr. John Whitcomb: July 13, 2015

Learn about “The Seven C’s of History” from special guest speaker Ken Ham—beginning this week on "Encounter God’s Truth." Ken is the president of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. Those “Seven C’s” are the following concepts: creation, corruption, catastrophe, confusion, Christ, cross and consummation. This in-depth study provides a frame of reference for understanding all that God has done in the past and all that He has promised to do in the future. This is very appropriate in light of the goal of our radio ministry, which is to declare that God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end. Whitcomb Ministries wishes to thank Calvary Baptist Church in Watertown, Wisconsin—where Ken originally gave this message—for permission to bring it to you. Following the lesson, host Wayne Shepherd introduces a short reminder about the power of the gospel from our Bible teacher, Dr. John Whitcomb. We trust that will be a real encouragement to you and we rejoice in the opportunity to minister through this weekly broadcast.

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