Dr. John Whitcomb: June 29, 2015

Can we take God’s Word as truth—from the beginning to the end? That is really the question that confronts us this week on "Encounter God’s Truth." Our current series features guest speaker Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. He is going to explain how the battle over the truthfulness of Genesis is really a battle over the authority of the Scriptures. Ken will also challenge us with a call to action—to be able to give Biblical answers to questions people raise, and to be prepared to train future generations in Scriptural truth. Failing this, we will only be able to stand by and watch as the culture drifts farther away from its Biblical foundations—and as those promoting evolution, and millions of years, aggressively advance their views. Following the main lesson, Dr. John Whitcomb shares some additional teaching regarding the nature of apostasy and the need for solid, Biblical theology. With host Wayne Shepherd, Whitcomb Ministries offers its appreciation again to Calvary Baptist Church in Watertown, Wisconsin, where this message was first delivered.

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