Dr. John Whitcomb: October 12, 2015

Thanks for listening to “Encounter God’s Truth”—where we teach every week that God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end. Today Dr. John Whitcomb continues his series on “Biblical Apologetics” by concluding our consideration of “Evolutionary Difficulties.” We are going to look at some of the Scriptural imperatives that we must practice in order to be effective in sharing our faith with the unbelieving world—also considering the powerful impact that our own lives have upon the effectiveness of our witness for the gospel. Guided by Wayne Shepherd, we travel together to Appalachian Bible College in Mount Hope, West Virginia, which has graciously allowed Whitcomb Ministries to distribute these messages to a wider audience by way of radio. We are glad that you have joined us for this program, and hope that the broadcast will challenge you to share the gospel with others now while there is still time.

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