Dr. Randy White: September 26, 2013

My experience, and yours, is not the experience of most in the world. Most in the world, like the Thessalonians, receive the Word under much tribulation. When they receive the Word, some lose their families, some lose their jobs, some lose their – their well-being. Some lose their standing in the community. Some, even, lose their lives. Those, in many parts of the world, receive the Word in much tribulation. It’s interesting to note that while Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians is the earliest written book in the New Testament, written about 52 A.D., already right at the start of the letter Paul is commending the church gathered at Thessalonica for their good reputation. This godly character of this church has made such a strong impression that news about it has traveled all the way back to where Paul is, and it is a positive reflection on each person in that church.

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