Jason Pratt: November 14, 2017

Join us for Mission 17-28 of It's NOT Rocket Science with Jason Pratt. In this mission we'll discuss a few additional points related to my second talk from the National Security Conference that was livestreamed last week. Both of my talks are available in the Situation Room at SituationRoom.net. We take a look at Exodus 22:1-4 with an intend to understand God's character, nature, and justice when considering how to respond in self-defense. From a historical context we know that the church has grown most significantly during the times of its worst persecution so how should we respond when our church or family are attacked? Can we or should we use deadly force? What about the likelihood of the attacker being killed and immediately facing God's judgment and wrath? What about unsaved people or family members who should be protected so that we can continue to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them? Send me your feedback at [email protected]. I still need to address in the next episode Jesus' command to the Apostles to sell their coat and buy a sword.

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