Join us on Mission 17-30 of "It's NOT Rocket Science with Jason Pratt" as we finish up our review of what I'm calling the Great Debate remix. It's Dr. A. E. Wilder-Smith's case that he presented at what Oxford called the Huxley Memorial Lecture, a 1986 repeat of the 1860 Great Debate between creationist Samuel Wilberforce and evolutionist Thomas Huxley (aka Darwin's Bulldog). Notice that the title of this event completely negated the name of the creationist, mathematician, and bishop of Oxford, Samuel Wilberforce. We commence our mission from the launch pad found in James 1:5-8. Next we shine our Scriptural Scientist Spotlight on Lord Kelvin, a contemporary of Darwin's time who used science to challenge key assumptions of evolutionary theory. We'll then listen to Dr. Wilder-Smith present a fatal flaw in the original discussion between Wilberforce and Huxley that reveals the completely unscientific foundation upon which all of evolutionary theory is built! Don't miss this enlightening episode!
Jason Pratt: November 28, 2017
Join us on Mission 17-30 of "It's NOT Rocket Science with Jason Pratt" as we finish up our review of what I'm calling the Great Debate remix. It's Dr. A. E. Wilder-Smith's case that he presented at what Oxford called the Huxley Memorial Lecture, a 1986 repeat of the 1860 Great Debate between creationist Samuel Wilberforce and evolutionist Thomas Huxley (aka Darwin's Bulldog). Notice that the title of this event completely negated the name of the creationist, mathematician, and bishop of Oxford, Samuel Wilberforce. We commence our mission from the launch pad found in James 1:5-8. Next we shine our Scriptural Scientist Spotlight on Lord Kelvin, a contemporary of Darwin's time who used science to challenge key assumptions of evolutionary theory. We'll then listen to Dr. Wilder-Smith present a fatal flaw in the original discussion between Wilberforce and Huxley that reveals the completely unscientific foundation upon which all of evolutionary theory is built! Don't miss this enlightening episode!