Jason Pratt: September 5, 2017

New Radio Show by Jason Pratt: In this week's program, Jason Pratt names-names, starting at the 21 minute mark. Brannon Howse, the one who broke this story and has discussed the surrounding issues and worldviews involved here, has been under attack. This mission is more about the strategies being employed in those attacks that ignore the original issue and gloss over the sin of IFD, committing further sin of favoritism. Consider these facts and how significant it truly is to practice and preach consistently in accord with the Scriptures. Welcome to "It's Not Rocket Science Mission 17-21." I want to discuss what I believe is a very significant event in the church as well as germane to the topic of logical fallacies we've been covering for some time. We'll launch from our basis of Scripture found in Ephesians 6:12-20. As Christians, we must understand that we are in a spiritual battle, not against people, but against the ideas, lies, and powers that captivate souls. We must declare truth and call out lies that oppose that truth. It appears that we find this country already in a civil war of sorts about ideas and truth and the evangelical world seems to be embroiled in a similar struggle. In our Scriptural Scientist Spotlight we look at the discoverer of a principle that bears his name, the Bernoulli Principle. Our main topic returns to some application of the truth found in Ephesians 6. In the aftermath of the interfaith dialogue that occurred between James White and Jihadi Imam, Yassir Quadhi, we see very prominent Christian leaders and speakers defending James White the man, but not his actions, while attacking the individual who reported on this unbiblical event. I believe it is important to note the tactics and response of those individuals who ignore the facts and are unwilling to address the real issue while they employ logical fallacies to obfuscate the truth. This is ungodly behavior and, along with the IFD, must be repented of. By the way, repentance is not a bad word and should be a way of life for the Christian, otherwise you would be a hypocrite as taught about in Matthew 7. We will also look at the significant points taught in the book of James that teach about back-biting and, more significantly, not being a respecter of persons, which is sin, and having not just orthodoxy (straight/correct teaching) but orthopraxy (straight/correct application or living). The works behind our faith, James declares, is what makes our faith a living one. 


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