Jimmy DeYoung: February 21, 2019

There is an Islamic leader in Jerusalem that says the Jews have no right to pray at the Western Wall, that the Jews have no connection to that retaining wall of the Temple Mount. As it relates to the Jewish connection to the Western Wall, Jimmy DeYoung and his Broadcast Partner, Winkie Medad, will discuss that connection today, right here on PTIB. Sheik Sabri is the Islamic leader that made such ignorant statements about no rights for the Jews to pray at the WW. They have a 2,000 year right to pray at that retaining wall for the Temple Mount. Jimmy and Winkie will discuss that Jewish connection to the WW and also the fact that the Trump Peace Plan will call for the Jewish  settlers in Judea and Samaria to give up some of their God-given land for a Palestinian state.

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