Jimmy DeYoung: July 5, 2019

Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung has two of his Broadcast Partners who both have very important reports to give Jimmy on today's edition of PTIB. Dr Don DeYoung has the inside story on the recent earthquake at the Dead Sea, in Israel. It was a minor earthquake, 3.5 on the richter scale, which could be a precursor to a major earth quake in Israel, in the future. The Bible deals with those foretold earth quakes, in the Tribulation Period. But before Don's report John Rood comes to give Jimmy a European Union Update from a very important region of the world, the region that is the infrastructure for the Revived Roman Empire, the political union that plays a key role in the seven year time of judgment in the future, the Tribulation Period that comes on the world scene after the Rapture.

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