Jimmy DeYoung: June 28, 2019

Winkie Medad is at the Broadcast Table today on PTIB to discuss with Jimmy DeYoung about the "Gold Coin" issued by the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem for the purpose of educating the Jewish world, and in fact, the entire world on the coming "Davidic Dynasty". This Davidic Dynasty is the period of time when the second King of Israel, King David, will come to be co-regent with the Messiah, Jesus Christ. This will be a time which conforms with the Davidic Covenant, found in 2 Samuel 7, where the Jews are promised the City of Jerusalem, forever; a Temple in Jerusalem, forever; and one of the descendants of King David, who will sit on the throne of the Messiah , forever. This report will be of great interest for those of us that are students of Bible Prophecy, as found in the Word of God, and are eager to know the times which we are living in today, as it relates to the end of times scenario.

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