John Loeffler: April 27, 2020

Protests have erupted around the United States.  Why is it happening and what can it tell us about other areas of the world?  In this week’s boralogue, John looks at how people are protesting against the media, politicians, and the education elites who are trying to push their ideologies in the midst of a crisis.  Those institutions are lashing out now that they are being challenged.  John also reminds us that while we have the right to protest and attend church online in the U.S., people in other countries are not afforded that luxury.


Dr. Anthony Fauci recently commented that we may be headed toward a national immunity ID card for everyone.  Writer and researcher Dennis Behreandt joins us to discuss whether an immunity ID will blossom into a national or international ID and how it’s being developed in the shadows and without the consent of the populace.


With the help of clips from the McAlvany Weekly Commentary, John detangles the mess that is the oil markets this week, explaining the trades at negative values and the overall fragility of the global economic system.


Are we approaching a cold war with China?  Retired U.S. Air Force Brigadier General Robert Spaulding is back with us to point out that we’ve already been in a cold war with China, only now we are fighting back.  He also covers how our biased media is running interference for the Chinese Communist Party.


Christian persecution occurs almost everywhere, but there’s been a surprising uptick in the Westersphere.  Ellen Fantini, Executive Director of the Observatory on Intolerance Against Christians in Europe discusses the various sources of pressure against Christians in the West and how speech is being hijacked to silence the politically incorrect.


John’s quote of the week:    

“Agendas tend to rumble along underneath the surface being funded either by government or private organizations.  Then invariably something will happen – an opportunistic event.  Suddenly you see the agendas pop above the surface that have been there all along.”


Follow us on Twitter @steelonsteelpro as well as the Steel on Steel Facebook page and remember to join Praying for Persecuted Christians for the latest information concerning persecuted Christians around the world. Don’t forget to stop by our YouTube channel as well for our latest videos.   


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