John Loeffler: August 4, 2014

John’s boralogue starts the program by reviving a detail of logical fallacies and examining errors in reasoning by Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal during a recent Charlie Rose interview. Israel seems to be winning the logistical war against rockets and underground terror tunnels, while losing the media war at the same time. Former Dept. of Education senior associate Dr. Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D., ( returns to the program to explain how psychological manipulation in media actually works. Then constitutional attorney Michael Connelly of the United States Justice Foundation ( returns for his weekly exposition of the Constitution’s Bill of Rights. This week, the fourth amendment is highlighted. The press and video reports emanating from the Gaza strip are highly negative towards Israel, but are reporters free to report the real news? It seems not. As reporters return home they are reporting threats and intimidations by Hamas when they report events negative to Hamas’s cause. Paul Miller ( with the Franklin Center debuts on the show. Finally, ever considered what you would do if someone began shooting up your church on Sunday morning? Have your church elders taken steps to prevent such a thing? James Sporleder is Director of the Center for Personal Protection and Safety (, which has produced the “Shots Fired” DVD series of violence prevention videos.

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