John Loeffler: December 4, 2017

The news is aflutter lately about all sorts of scandals and bad behavior.  Should we care?  In this week's boralogue John looks at the battle between stupid news and news that matters, playing a clip of Don Coxe, who illustrates the need for more focus on important, sobering topics.  It's difficult to solve serious problems when no one is looking at them.

How ready are we should a foreign power come up against us?  Bill Gertz (, Senior Editor at the Washington Free Beacon, discusses other countries' willingness to beef up their warfare capabilities, while the U.S. government remains focused on other issues and is not keeping pace.

A national database with all of one's information is popular in China and other countries.  Could it emerge in the U.S.?  National education analyst and writer Dr. Carole Haynes ( joins us to discuss Congressional bills that would establish these databases and the ignorance of lawmakers to see what's really going on.

On October 31, a terrorist mowed down pedestrians in New York City.  He was in this country under the Diversity Visa Program.  Michael Cutler (, Retired Special Agent with the former Immigration and Naturalization Services, looks at the flaws of the program and what needs to be done to solve the problem.

John’s quote of the week:

"The country is now divided: two different groups of people with two different worldviews using two different processes of thought based on two different worldview assumptions arriving at two different sets of conclusions – all yelling and screaming and bickering over control.  Meanwhile, big storms are brewing around us."

As always, join us online for our Section 6 intelligence briefing featuring analysis by John on important stories highlighting emerging geopolitical trends around the world.

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