John Loeffler: February 26, 2018

May peace be upon you – unless you don't want it to be.  In this week's boralogue, John looks at Mahmoud Abbas's claim that he is cooperating with the peace process, but in fact the opposite is true.  We play speeches by Abbas, Nikki Haley, and the Israeli ambassador to show that there needs to be a peace partner – not someone who refuses to sit at the table and denigrates the other side in his own language.

Logic and reason together with a free flow of ideas and debate should rule the day in society.  What's really happening, however, is quite different.  Denis MacEoin (, Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute, examines the ideological inconsistencies among groups who, for example, advocate for feminism or gay rights, but who also praise Islam and Sharia law.

The suicide of the West is occurring north of our border as well.  Former Canadian military intelligence officer Tom Quiggin ( joins us to discuss bias at the Canadian Broadcast Corporation, who favors Islamic platforms and denigrates Christian ones.  Hypocrisy abounds among politically correct narratives around the Western world.

John’s quote of the week:

"There seems to be a hierarchy of violations that makes no sense to any logical person.  They will be screaming about someone who won't bake a wedding cake, and yet they will be absolutely mum about gays being thrown off buildings, hung, attacked, etc.  It's very strange for anyone who wonders what is going on."

In this week's Section 6, John and Producer Steve discuss the recent Russian indictments plus John examines geopolitical stories from around the world.

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