John Loeffler: June 22, 2015

As we recharge for the summer here at Steel on Steel, we begin embracing interesting thematic issues. John skips the boralogue this week and welcomes David Hathaway (, former DEA Agent-in-Charge in Nogales, Arizona, who recalls President Nixons creation of the DEA through executive order. He explains the differences between the DEAs mission and that of the FBI and CIA and surmises that Americas results from the war on drugs may be worse than the original problem. The most important thing about history is learning not to repeat it. Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters ( discusses his new book Valley of the Shadow and how American military leadership can learn from their Civil War counterparts. He implores that we blinded by political correctness and learn from past failed socialist policies. As always, join us online for our weekly Section 6 intelligence briefing, featuring analysis by John on important stories highlighting emerging geopolitical trends around the world. Please like us on Facebook at the Steel on Steel page and remember to join Praying for Persecuted Christians on Facebook as well for the latest information concerning Christians suffering for their faith around the world.

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