John Loeffler: June 30, 2014

Monday marks the 80th anniversary of the Night of the Long Knives (June30 - July 1) in in 1934 Germany, when 200 SA (brownshirt) Nazi party members were murdered by the Gestapo. John’s extended boralogue explains what this tells us today about socialism and the ultimate end of all socialist revolutions: They all wind up at the Gestapo, the Gulag, and the Guillotine. There is a war afoot to expunge Christians not just from the marketplace of public ideas but notably from various professions. This war has transitioned from a war of ideas to a war of coercion forcing Christians to compromise their beliefs and adopt the beliefs of other worldviews. Will Christians be able to survive in professions such as education, medicine, law, and elsewhere in this growing atmosphere of hostility? That outcome remains to be seen. Lea Singh ( is covering an important case in British Columbia, Canada, involving Trinity Western University.

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