John Loeffler: March 10, 2014

The media have been swamped with reporting from the Ukraine and the latest crisis, but much of it seemed to lack insight. John’s extended boralogue attempts to isolate the geopolitical issues revolving around Russia’s intrusion into that country. Then we’ll examine, of all places, ongoing violence in the Sudan and South Sudan. Why in the midst of everything is this important? Because the United States pushed the creation of South Sudan but has turned its back now that its attention has been drawn elsewhere. The parallels to the rhetoric of the Israel/Palestine peace process are obvious, especially when “international guarantees” are brought into the mix. Seems countries get busy and don’t want to enforce their guarantees. Then we’ll do the last of a thread on bitcoins, examining how they are subject to criminal activity. Peter Leeds (, is author of Penny Stocks for Dummies in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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