John Loeffler: March 16, 2015

A moral equivalency controversy followed President Obama’s comments at the National Prayer Breakfast and many Christians were offended. John analyzes in this week’s boralogue how the comparison given was offensive not because it wasn’t true, but because it was taken out of context. Christianity has moved past its warts. Has Islam? Rick Moran, host of the RINO Hour of Power radio show, joins us first to examine the attempt by a group of UC Irvine students to ban the American flag from inclusive spaces on campus because it may constitute hate speech to those who may be offended. Next up on the program, Fred Fleitz, Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy and retired U.S. national security veteran, discusses NSA programs to monitor Congressional emails and who oversees the overseers when it comes to the dissemination of information. Dr. Adam Olscamp, orthopedic surgeon at Northwest Specialty Hospital in north Idaho, explores the growth of medical tourism as Canadians cross the border for better treatment, and touches on where health care is headed in the United States. Finally we welcome David Skeel (, Professor of Corporate Law at the University of Pennsylvania, who discusses his book True Paradox and how Christianity beautifully explains many of the complexities found in the universe.

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