John Loeffler: March 20, 2017

What are the crises plaguing America today?  If you follow the media, the answer is Russian collusion, wiretapping, and tax returns.  In this week's boralogue, John looks at the real looming crises we face including an economy plagued by unsustainable borrowing and courts ruling according to politics and not the rule of law.  But fear not – God is ultimately in control.


Deep state operatives inside the U.S. government still loyal to former president Obama are doing their best to sabotage current president Donald Trump.  Kenneth Timmerman (, President and CEO of the Foundation for Democracy in Iran, joins us to discuss classified leaks and other problems caused by those wreaking havoc on this administration.


Diving deeper into shadow governments, we welcome retired business owner and director at the Claremont Institute Robert Curry ( who examines the history of the deep state and its opposition to the Constitution and what President Trump is doing to fight the problem.


Communication is key when you are President and for Donald Trump extremely difficult when the media as a whole is your adversary.  Monty Donohew (, Attorney at Monty L. Donohew, LPA explains how President Trump is reforming political communication by flipping the press's Alinsky methods back at them, exposing them as hacks who have severely underestimated him.


John’s quote of the week:

"Here's a hint that you can tell when you're entering the end game: when politicians start playing the blame game, it means we have finally plowed to the end of a problem which they have created for which they don't have any solution and disaster will be upon us."


As always, join us online for our Section 6 intelligence briefing featuring analysis by John on important stories highlighting emerging geopolitical trends around the world.


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