John Loeffler: March 3, 2020

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Businesses and especially college campuses have transitioned into centers of political correctness. On this week's boralogue, John looks at social justice warriors with their name it and shame it games, outrage campaigns, and even violent mobs. For far too long social justice warriors have been successful, but now many are catching on to these modern Brownshirt tactics and are pushing back.  We must always choose freedom over those who would try to keep it from us.


We've heard stories of students or adults having MAGA hats ripped off their heads by suddenly enraged progressives.  Karen Hurvitz (, Legal Counsel to the group Education Without Indoctrination, joins us to discuss how her client's life went from bad to worse after his MAGA hat was stolen by his teacher who then waged an all-out legal and outrage campaign against him.


After analyzing the coronavirus's impact on the economy, John welcomes Anne Schlafly Cori (, Chairman of the Eagle Forum, who explains why the Equal Rights Amendment, long thought extinct, has made a comeback recently and why, with its manipulative language, it's a bad idea.


John’s quote of the week:    

"To the relativists who engage in postmodern thought, any affront that challenges their belief is not just something that needs to be debated.  It is a threat to the entire system that they believe in.  The only thing that keeps this relative, compartmentalized, self-contradicting series of propositions together is each of them telling each other that it really works and anyone that doesn't agree with them is obviously a --- fill in the blank (and there's a long list)."


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