John Loeffler: March 9, 2020

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The Overton Window is a perception at any given moment of what is acceptable in society.  In this week's extended boralogue, John gives several examples of how the Overton Window has drifted leftward over the decades.  It was originally moored in Judeo-Christian values but then broke free and caused a progressive change in society that has left us on a pitching deck of constantly changing, relativist, self-contradicting ideas.


Conservative speech is being curtailed all over the world, but nowhere so egregiously than in Germany.  Attorney Jared Peterson joins us to discuss the tactics of the very leftist German media, plans to shut down dissenting speech, the thwarting of democracy in the German state of Thuringia, and pushback against the Left from some very unlikely sources.


John takes a moment to examine the philosophies of government and economics in regards to the ultimate success or failure of a society.  He then welcomes JR Dunn Consulting Editor at American Thinker, who shines a light on the confusion, uproar, contradictions, and oftentimes lack of strategy from the Left.


John’s quote of the week:    

"Even if we took all of the first world countries, it is impossible to take in all of the third world.  The only thing you can try to do is make them prosperous in their own countries.  That is where the philosophy of government and the philosophy of economics either makes or breaks a society."


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