John Loeffler: May 25, 2015

John's boralogue explores our once-guaranteed freedom of religion and the erosion of that freedom, especially in the military. It's once more "don't ask, don't tell" in the armed forces, only this time it involves religion. Christians are frequently called "haters," but it's Christians who serve to feed the hungry, heal the sick, provide shelter for the homeless, and they are often the first on the ground during disasters. Technology has certainly emerged as essential in our lives, with cell phones and computers helping us. As information has expanded, private companies and governments have initiated data collection programs to "better serve" you, the user. But how can those databases be used against us, and is it a violation of both privacy and the Constitution? Bruce Schneier (, Chief Technology Officer of Resilient Systems, says we're making it up as we go along; it's a complex question. Who has oversight of the process, and do the benefits outweigh privacy concerns? Moreover what is the future of rights under this new system?

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