John Loeffler: November 12, 2018

There are different ways to get to totalitarian socialism but in the end it still results in socialism.  In this week's boralogue, John looks at the extremes of both the Left and the Right and their potential paths to bondage and slavery.  Freedom and capitalism are both at the gate to these paths and it's imperative that we stay there.  We must stay vigilant and always fight for our freedoms. 


Anti-semitism is back in the news after the shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pennsylvania a couple of weeks ago.  Writer on politics and philosophy Paul Austin Murphy (, discusses the formation of leftist anti-Semitism in Europe and the unlikely union between leftists and hardcore Islamists.  


The midterms are over but why is that no matter who we vote into Congress, nothing ever seems to change?  Former member of the U.S. House of Representatives Tom Tancredo joins us to explain how things really work in Congress and how immigration was on the mind of the voters as they made their selections this week.


Finally we welcome Andrea Picciotti-Bayer (, Legal Advisor for The Catholic Association, who relates the case of a Catholic diocese in Philadelphia that has been denied their ability to refer children for foster care because of their stance on same sex couples.  It's a battle over ideology but the children are the ones left out.


John’s quote of the week:    

"The real danger threatening us is the progressive socialism that has completely riddled through the Democrat party, taking many liberals with it, and also through a large part of the Republican party.  There is a fight over the Constitution in which we can stay centered in freedom."


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