John Loeffler: November 24, 2014

In the boralogue this week, John tackles the Middle East, showing that a religious storm is gathering on the horizon. Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Iran are all factors in a troubling complex equation whose common denominator is Islam.

Switching gears, Craig R. Smith ( and, Chairman of Swiss America Trading Corporation and author of the new book Don’t Bank On It!, joins the show to discuss banks’ ownership of your money and how to diversify your funds to avoid the coming banking crisis.

Next, Kathy Fettke (, CEO and Co-Founder of Real Wealth Network, speaks with John about the challenges of qualifying for a home loan, accumulating student loan debt, and where the wealth market is going in the next several months.

Michael Connelly, ( and, constitutional attorney and Executive Director of the U.S. Justice Foundation, continues his analysis of the U.S. Constitution this week by examining amendment number 22. Since amendment 21 was a repeal of the 18th amendment and therefore has no other explanation, we are skipping that one.

We then transition to Susie Pierce (, a West Virginia mother of three and member of the Richie County Home Educators cooperative, who reviews how the local school board members are waging a phone campaign to home school parents, trying to convince them to re-enroll their children in public school. Motive – well, money, of course.

Finally, Joe Baker (, Founder and President of Save the Storks, addresses his organization’s growth over the past year as they reach as many women as possible with the truth about life and abortion.

To our paid subscribers, we continue our weekly intelligence new briefing, Section 6, where John comments on several stories making news around the world.

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