John Loeffler: October 20, 2014

John's boralogue leads off today's program by revealing the danger that free speech finds itself in today. He shows that the same people who espoused the right of free speech on campuses in the 1960s are the same people who are trying to quash the free speech rights of students at today's colleges. That will lead us to our first guest, Pastor Greg Young (, host of the radio show "Chosen Generations," who discusses the decision of Houston's mayor to subpoena any sermon notes or correspondences of local pastors who speak on the issue of homosexuality and the church. We then close out our thread on the geopolitical relationship between Russia and China with Andrew Kuchins, Director of the Russia and Eurasia Program at CSIS, who speaks about the recent gas deal between the two countries as well as the shift of the world's economic balance of power to the East. Back by popular demand, Michael Connelly Constitutional attorney and Executive Director of the U.S. Justice Foundation, goes beyond the Bill of Rights to begin examining the rest of the Constitutional amendments. Today's topic: Amendment numbers 11 and 12. Finally, we will speak with Georges Houssney author of the book, "Engaging Islam." He examines the history of Christian-Muslim relations, and how Christians are called to engage them in love and speak to them about Jesus.

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