John Loeffler: October 22, 2018

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Politics today is nothing if not full of contradictions.  In this week's boralogue, John looks at the many contradictions that exist with politicians, including the need to label President Trump a dictator all while behaving dictatorially themselves.  Don't pay attention to what politicians say; watch what it is they do.  Study your candidates thoroughly and understand these contradictions when you head to the polls next month.


A leaked document from Google shows that the platform has control of a majority of online conversations and seems to be taking a turn toward censorship.  Allum Bokhari (, Senior Technology Correspondent for Breitbart News, examines the implications from this document. Is there legal recourse for those affected and is there a way to even the social media playing field?


During and since the Kavanaugh circus, law school professors and their students have been stating that there is no need for due process or corroborating evidence.  Heather MacDonald (, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, discusses how the future of law could be corrupted, how conservatives are treated on campus, and the mysterious world of intersectionality.


Are Christians urged to distance themselves from Israel?  Dexter Van Zile (, Christian Media Analyst for the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting, describes how speakers and church leaders at the Christ at the Checkpoint Conference are convincing Christians that in order to convert Muslims to Christianity, they should shun Israel since Muslims are also against them.


John’s quote of the week:    

"Most of the discourse we're engaged in involves clichés.  The argument gets lost and you can't get down to the core questions.  It blocks you from getting to the answers.  When information pops up elsewhere that your opponents would rather keep blocked, they are left with one alternative: to keep you from speaking.  And that's where freedom dies."


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