John Loeffler: September 15, 2014

We’ve often said that political correctness is killing us and it is. Recall that PC doesn’t care whether something is true or not; it just tests to see if what is being said or done matches PC orthodoxy. John’s boralogue details how political correctness in Great Britain allowed the rapes of 1,400 young women to go unstopped for over a decade. It’s a major scandal in that country but our media have ignored it. Speaking of political correctness, with fall “falling” on the nation again, new students are flooding onto college campuses, where orientation sessions should actually be designated indoctrination courses. Jennifer Kabbany from debuts to describe some of the nonsense roaring around colleges today. Then Mark Nestman ( explains how U.S. FACTA laws which went into effect on July 1, 2014, are seriously crippling the ability of U.S. citizens to live or work abroad. We’re the only country in the world to impose this kind of onerous regulation on foreign banks. Constitutional attorney Michael Connelly from the United States Justice Foundation provides his weekly commentary on the Constitution’s Bill of Rights, focusing on Amendment #7 this week. As the Internal Revenue Service continues to “lose” more emails related to a scandal where it allegedly targeted conservative organizations to harass them, it seems an even greater scandal has been underway in Wisconsin, where prosecutors are accused of trumping up charges against conservative politicians in order to defame them and defeat them in elections. Professor William Jacobson is a law professor at Cornell University and publisher of The Legal Insurrection blog. Finally we’ll shift gears. Oftentimes Christians and pastors say very silly things when discussing theological issues because they are ignorant of church history and the decisions of previous generations. We’ll have an interesting conversation with church history professor Dr. Robert Rea, Ph.D., about this subject as he delineates themes from his new book, Why Church History Matters - An Invitation to Love and Learn from Our Past.

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