John Loffler: August 12, 2019

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The outrage industry has kicked it up several notches this week while balance in reporting is barely found.  In this week's boralogue, John rejects the outrage industry and focuses on what's really important: the health of our country.  America has, unfortunately, lost its way.  But we have a choice: either reform and get back to the moral roots that we were founded on, or degenerate further into chaos.  We should choose to learn from what has worked.


Can we link the Bible to the freedoms we enjoy in the West?  Vishal Mangalwadi (, Founder and President of Revelation Movement, contrasts the Bible-inspired liberty and freedom of Western civilization with the illogical philosophy behind postmodernism.  He also offers insights into the problems of Marxist education and intolerance of free speech.


Definitions and context of words have been changed in an effort to tear down Western civilization.  Author and journalist Jack Engelhard ( joins us to discuss how the meaning of the phrase 'white supremacy' and the word 'racist' have been manipulated in order to link them to western culture in an attempt to tear it down.


John’s quote of the week:    

"The people who benefit from the freedoms to speak, to think, and to even criticize Western civilization, are busy tearing apart the very thing which gave them the benefits that they like.  Is that not crazy?  It's almost like a philosophical autoimmune disease."


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Steel on Steel, hosted by John Loeffler, offers weekly Christian-perspective news analysis and worldview apologetics; connecting the dots within geopolitics, economics, religion and education. This "Short Show" is just a small part of our comprehensive 2+ hour weekly program. Join us at for this, and much more!


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