John Whitcomb: August 27, 2018

This week on “Encounter God’s Truth,” Old Testament scholar Dr. John Whitcomb describes how Isaiah learned what a significant ministry he would have—and yet just how difficult that ministry would actually be. It is the conclusion of the first message in our new series, called “Isaiah: The LORD is Salvation.” Host Wayne Shepherd explains how we ended last time by looking at Jeremiah 31 and seeing “the official end of the Davidic monarchy” in Old Testament history. Before we turn back to Isaiah 6, Dr. Whitcomb reviews Ezekiel 21 to consider more about this topic. You may want to follow along in your Bible if you can. These are very important themes for us to understand from the Old Testament—reminding us that God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end. Whitcomb Ministries is grateful to Middletown Bible Church in Middletown, Connecticut, for allowing us to share this audio, which Dr. Whitcomb presented at their annual Independent Fundamental Bible Conference several years ago. We hope that you will also share it with a friend!


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