John Whitcomb: February 26, 2018

God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end! This week on “Encounter God’s Truth,” we continue to survey what the Word has to say about this world—from beginning to end—as we see it through history, science and prophecy.

Host Wayne Shepherd encourages you to listen and learn about “The Five Worlds of History, Science and Prophecy.” We pick up this week by thinking about the third world system.

It is the second installment in a new series from author and theologian Dr. John Whitcomb, called “Basic Biblical Distinctions.” In it, we are looking at several issues involved in Biblical history and apologetics—and Dr. Whitcomb will show us what those topics really mean for us, and how they apply to our spiritual lives. Whitcomb Ministries is thankful to Grace Bible Church in Elkhart, Indiana, for allowing us to bring these messages to you here on “Encounter God’s Truth.”

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