John Whitcomb: July 2, 2018

We’re celebrating creation—and the creation of America—this weekend on “Encounter God’s Truth.” Author and theologian Dr. John Whitcomb shares more of his classic message on “The Genesis Flood,” which was recorded live at Grace Baptist Bible College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. We thank them for allowing us to bring it to you here. Later in the program, host Wayne Shepherd welcomes Dr. Andy Woods to the microphone. Dr. Woods is a pastor, seminary president and attorney who has done much research into the founding of America. He answers the question: “What did the Founders mean by the phrase in the Declaration of Independence, ‘All men are created equal’? Was evolution involved in their thinking in any way?” God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end—and was viewed as such at the creation of America. From all of us at Whitcomb Ministries, have a blessed Independence Day!

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