John Whitcomb: March 26, 2018

Christians around the world will remember the events of Palm Sunday in church this weekend. Do you think you know all about Jesus’ ride into Jerusalem nearly 2,000 years ago?

In this edition of “Encounter God’s Truth,” our Bible teacher, Dr. John Whitcomb, is going to compare Scripture with Scripture to show us the true significance of aspects of this event that we often skip over. Since God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end, we must be mindful of even the smallest details when we study such an important topic.

After the teaching segment of today’s holiday program, host Wayne Shepherd asks Dr. Whitcomb to explain what would have happened if the Jewish people had accepted Jesus’ offer to bring His Kingdom to Israel on that first Palm Sunday.

We trust that this program will help you prepare for a very meaningful Easter season, and that you will find ways to share it with friends and loved ones.

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