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Hospital Visitation (Part 1) (rerun):

On today's NoCo, Pastor Mike talks about how to visit people in the hospital. How do you minister to sick people? How do you make hospital visits? Should you go to people's homes when they are sick to minister to them? It is not the responsibility of the Pastor to make hospital visits. Rather, it is the Pastor's and the Elder's responsibly to train the congregation to make hospital visits. When was the last time that you visited somebody from your church in the hospital or served them at their home when they were sick? Truths To Motivate You To Serve Sick People:
1. Sickness will be with us until Christ returns
2. Ministering to the sick is a job for all saints3. If you would like to see a person that serves regularly and consistently--look to the example of Jesus Christ.
To Be Continued...

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